LoLin V3 NodeMcu Lua CH340G ESP8266 WIFI Internet Development Board Module

I bet you were expecting a getting starting guide right?

Well, unfortunately, I think there are so many guides already published online I would advise to go and look one up.

I mean seriously is there really a need for so many people to publish getting starting guides, reminds me about cats on Facebook πŸ™‚

Anyway here is a link to one which I have checked and works ok:

Before you check out the getting started guide please read if you purchased from China !!!

Many USB to Serial converter IC’s are available in the market but one such low-cost IC that is gaining popularity is CH340g (CH340/CH340T/CH340R/CH341?). CH340g USB to Serial converter IC is used in low-cost Chinese Arduino UNO & Arduino Nano boards. USB to TTL converter modules are also available based on this IC. Even Node MCU IOT modules also have this IC.

You can download the Drivers for CH340G from below 

CH340G Download Driver

To install download, unzip, enter the “CH341SER” folder and click on setup, you will now be able to connect to your cheap Chinese board πŸ™‚


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