LoLin V3 NodeMcu Lua CH340G ESP8266 WIFI Internet Development Board Module

I bet you were expecting a getting starting guide right?

Well, unfortunately, I think there are so many guides already published online I would advise to go and look one up.

I mean seriously is there really a need for so many people to publish getting starting guides, reminds me about cats on Facebook 🙂Read More

Technologies in practice – TM129

Technologies in practice

This module provides an opportunity to sample some of the key areas in computing and information technology. You will be introduced to three topics as tasters for your future studies and career: robotics, networking, and Linux. Studying these topics will enable you to develop essential skills for future employment in the computing and IT industry. You will be applying what you learn by developing a portfolio to demonstrate your skills and understanding in these areas. Read More

My digital life – TU100


My digital life

My digital life taken on a journey from the origins of information technology through to the familiar computers of today, and on to tomorrow’s radical technologies. Getting hands-on experience of programming and of how computing is changing. Also learning about the profound social and technological changes associated with information technology – changes that affect every one of us. Read More